Grand Isle, a summer holiday resort popular with the wealthy inhabitants of nearby New Orleans in the 1800s. This dreamy painting titled, "Bands Across the Beach" evokes these lazy summer days and the timeless beauty of coastal Louisiana. A stunning piece with soft colors that will be perfect for any home.
Medium: Gouache on Paper
Size: 9x12
Orders will ship in 5-7 business days after the order is received. Shipping is done using an automated system. As such, estimated shipping costs are usually higher. If the final shipping cost ends up being less than what you paid, I will refund you the difference. All sales final. 💕
Grand Isle, a summer holiday resort popular with the wealthy inhabitants of nearby New Orleans in the 1800s. This dreamy painting titled, "Bands Across the Beach" evokes these lazy summer days and the timeless beauty of coastal Louisiana. A stunning piece with soft colors that will be perfect for any home.
Medium: Gouache on Paper
Size: 9x12
Orders will ship in 5-7 business days after the order is received. Shipping is done using an automated system. As such, estimated shipping costs are usually higher. If the final shipping cost ends up being less than what you paid, I will refund you the difference. All sales final. 💕